torsdag 1. mars 2018

Forever a stranger and foreigner

I can often feel like a stranger and foreigner on earth, always looking for a place to belong. Maybe I will never fully feel at home on earth. Whenever I start feeling slightly at home, something comes and shakes up my world. However, I know that the best is yet to come, and is forward me, as I am a child of God.  

If I feel too home, loved and accepted, and too safe, I am hard to move. 

It is when you start to get more and more uncomfortable with your circumstances, and when you loose the sense of belonging somewhere, and your illusion of being home is destroyed. The fear for the unknown is smaller than the present pain. That is when you start moving towards something else. 

Abraham lived a long life, and also him felt like a stranger. In the end of his life when burying his wife he said:

"I am a foreigner and stranger among you. Sell me some property for a burial site here so I can bury my dead."

Maybe it is my time to move soon, I can hear the calling and I am drawn towards the unknown. I have this picture in my head of home. The home is far away in another country. Maybe I am just dreaming, but I know that I will never know unless I step into the unknown. There is a little girl over there. She is holding my hand and welcoming me HOME. I am going to fight for her, and we will be together forever. 

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